Book- Tuesdays with Morrie
author- Mitch Albom
publisher- Paul Weiss
year published-1977
Precis-Mitch is starting to realize how much a positive influence Morrie had on him, sixteen years later he notices Morrie on television talking about his experience with dying. He reconnects with Morrie and they catch up on old times.
"Why are we embarrassed by silence? What comfort do we find in all the noise?"
-I'm really interested in these two questions. When a room is completely quite its awkward and uncomfortable, but once its rowdy and lively and everyone is talking its normal. Its comfortable and I also wonder why that happens.
"You know, Mitch, now that I'm dying, I've become much more interesting to people"
- People become interested with death when the dominat social practices arent followed. When people dont ask for a normal funeral with everyone wearing black they become interesting.When someone finds out they're dying and they take it lightly they become interesting. Just as when we read the article about prostate cancer and the author was basically making fun of it, we as a class called her insensitive and rude.
"I had the coldest realization the our time was running out. And I had to do something"
- I noticed that people only start to really care when someone is dying or died. For example if a relative that you weren't really close to died your still expected to call and morn with the family. The person who died wouldn't have crossed your mind unless they died. It seems like when death occurs people want to turn a new leaf, they want to do things they never done before travel the world. But they only have motivation when death comes around
The book changed my views on death, I use to think it was a dark sad thing that we cant escape. Morrie's view on death is refreshing, his philosophies are interesting to. Hes happy with the life he lived and is trying to spend his last few moments happy. It also shows me that having insurance doesn't mean anything. Morrie has the best doctors and probably the best medicines but is still dying. There isn't a price tag on life and apparently they're isn't a price tag on death.
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