Wednesday, April 6, 2011

HW 42

For this project Leah and I decided to make a poster focusing on the Hindu birth rituals, its way different from the social dominant practices of Americans. Religion plays a huge roll in India which is (in my opinion) the birth rituals are so different. We are going to present the poster in class on Friday along with an elevator speech


  1. Your decision to use a visual to represent your finding was very refreshing and different. The in-depth research of Indian birth customs was on point and actually really interesting. The different rituals involved actually grasped the attention of the class, something not often acheived. Your project matters because Americans tend to be more close-minded about different cultures and their rituals, you brought to light many interesting factors of birth that we may have found odd or different and showed us how what we view to be normal may in fact be out of the ordinary to others. Your project epitomized the course name.

  2. I really liked your speech becuase it showed and told me about different rituals that other countries like and must preform to a new born baby maybe not thinking about the consequences of these actions toward a new born baby

  3. I really liked your speech becuase it showed and told me about different rituals that other countries like and must preform to a new born baby maybe not thinking about the consequences of these actions toward a new born baby. This is inportant because it keeps me wondering is this a trust excersise for the parents to test how badly they might want this baby. What will happen if the parents don't want the baby? Do they just let it fall to its death?

  4. Hey ally,

    I thought that yor idea to do a poster board was different and somewhat refreshing. I find that presentations are more interesting than reading blog posts sometimes.

    The comparison from traditional hindu practices and American practices was interesting. The baby dropping ritual was intense by American standards, dropping babies 50 feet for a blessing is intense. They are far more religiously connected to birth than we are. When I saw the cultures you were comparing I decided to look at your poster and see what you found.
