Monday, October 4, 2010

Reading Response

"Fast Food Nation" By, Eric Schlossen
Chapter 1 and 2

Chapter one is about the growth of the fast food industry and its pioneers, it highlighted the major events that changed the way the industry is ran today. A lot of the creators of fast food restaurants were named such as Carl N. Karcher, Harland Sanders and Glen W. Bell. The time line of their lives and a little bit of their history was included.
A "gem" that I noticed in the book was , "The Golden Arches are now more widely recognized than the Christan cross" I realized that its completely true, there's thousand of McDonald's everywhere worldwide. This book has made me realize the amount of control the fast food industry has over America, we have to eat and not everyone has them time to cook a meal. Fast food is convenient cheap and fast, your able to eat it on the go which is appealing to many.

"Fast Food Nation" By, Eric Schlossen
Chapter 3

A lot of the fast food restaurant's saved money by paying the workers poorly, there was bill called "McDonald's Bill" which allowed them to pay 16 and 17 year old kids half minimum wage.Tried to find any way to cut cost for them such as buying for example Coca Cola syrup and diluting it with water so they only pay .9 cents when they charge over a dollar for a drink.

Gem- Most of the people that steal from fast food restaurants are employees and ex employees, they feel cheated

Chapter 4

Precis -People notice how much the Fast food franchise is making and they're attracted to the money, they invest in the fast food franchise and gain a profit. Since there's so many investments the franchise becomes even more popular

"In 1969, Donald and Doris decided to sell jeans like Mcds, Burger King and KFC sold food"
now theyres Gaps all over the world, baby Gap, Gap kids, Gap and Gap Inc

Thoughts-  Years ago all you needed was a good pitch and a reasonable prices and the chances of your business being a success was large but now its very slim because of the competition.

Chapter 5

Precis- Franchises make it harder to be successful when dealing with a private owned business

Gems/Thoughts-  I think its interesting that many of these fast food companies purchase they're food for very cheap prices and sell it at a higher price. For example Mcds buys french fries for 30 cents a pound but sells them for about 6 dollars a pound. Also they buy soda syrup for 9 cents and dilute it with water and charge the public over a dollar. Its all a big scheme

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